Written by Louisa Barnes Pratt, wife of Addison Pratt; The Iowa Trail, page 223. I found great pleasure in riding horseback. By that means I could render some assistance in driving the stock. There was in the company a comical fellow by the name of Ephraim Hanks. He had charge of the loose cattle, was a dashing rider, gave me some lessons in that art till I became very expert. He assumed the name or title of Captain, gave to me that of Commodore. I was quite proud of my title; arose early in the morning, mounted my horse to help gather up the stock. It was air and exercise besides amusement which kept my spirits brisk. Page 226 Yesterday for the first time my wagon had to be dug out of the mud. One wheel ran off a bridge. It made racking work, broke my table, which was tied behind. This morning our company broke up; three started back to Bonaparte after flour, left their families encamped to wait for their return. The rest pursued their journey as usual, are now 55 from the main camp. Last evening there was a great sport in our camp. The young man we Capt., dressed in woman's attire, danced to amuse us. Several in the crowd did not know who it was; thought it was some strange lady from another company.