Journal Entries
referring to
Ephraim K. Hanks

September 6, 1850 - Traveled 16 miles. Camped on the Greese Wood near the Sweet water 8 miles below Independence Rock. Brother [Ephriam K.] Hanks caught a wild mare the fatest & most beautiful animal of the Horse kind I ever saw. He run by the side of Her on a small bay horse flung a larriett over her head flung himself from his horse onto the ground. The wild horse drew him half a mile over the sage plains until she was stopped by being choked down. She then tryed to bite, kick & strike him but he fought her by whiping her with a rope until he conquered her & led her in triumph into camp.

(Wilford Woodruff Journal, Vol 3., Pg. 571.)

June 23, 1857 - The Eastern mails arived at 5 past 2 oclok 23 days from Indipendance. Ferrimore Little & Ephraim Hanks came with it the shortest trip on record. We learn that all Hell is boiling over against the saints in Utah. We also are informed that Elder Parley P. Pratt was murdered by [ ] Mclain who shot him Arkansaw. This was painful news to his Family. The papers of the United States are filled with bitter revilieings against us. The devil is exceding mad.

(Wilford Woodruff Journal, Vol 5., Pg. 61.)

January 31, 1858, Sunday - I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle. H. B. Clawson & E. Hanks preached in the morning followed by H. C. Kimball. In the afternoon G.Q. Cannon followed by O. Pratt & O. Hyde. All spoke well and in the spirit of God. I attended the prayer Circle in the evening. President Young prayed & H. C. Kimball was mouth. The spirit of God was with us.

(Wilford Woodruff Journal, Vol 5., Pg. 161)

July 26, 1858 During the afternoon we had a hard shower of rain at about dark with 15 wagons, 56 horses & mules started for Big Cottonwood Kanyon, and camped up the kanyon a short distance and camped for the night.


B. Young Niles Olsen
H. C. Kimball A. Moffat
D. H. Wells J. W. Young
O. Hyde Jas. A. Little
O. Pratt Howard Stringham
W. Woodruff Arza Hinkley
J. Taylor W. H. Kimball
E. Y. Benson Jas. Ferguson
F. D. Richards R. T. Burton
E. Snow John Kay
John Young Jos. A. Young
L. D. Young Brigtham Young Jr.
A. Carrington E. K. Hanks
Fred. Kesler N. V. Jones
P. H. Young J.R. Winder
F. Little J. W. Cummings
Stephen Taylor Frank B. Woolley
B. Stringham H. B. Clawson
R. Golden Seymour Young
Jos. M. Simmons Nelson Empy
Wm Nixon Chas Decker
Ed. Ellsworth Howard Spencer
John Y. Green Lacy Stillson
Henry Heath G. Stringham
Dan Johnson Howard Spencer
Jas. M. Barlow Hugh McIlwraith

(Wilford Woodruff Journal, Vol. 5, Pg. 203-204.)

July 9, 1859 - <A cool morning. I spent a part of the forenoon in the office. I called at the Presidents office at noon. He was settling some difficulty with [--] captain Hooper on Babbits Estate. He rode out in the afternoon. It rained some in the afternoon.. I called upon President Young> H. C. Kimball & E. Hanks were sitting with President Young. <Soon> H. Stout <came in. A man had been arrested for forgery. They would not let him have counsel.>
(Shorthand text enclosed in angled brackets)

(Wilford Woodruff Journal, Vol. 5, Pg. 356)

January 1, 1862 - I spent most of the day in the office writing. D. B. Huntington called into the office and gave us the following report: He said that when the Govornor got up to Ephraim Hanks wh[are?] Wood Reynolds had changed the Horses to go on as the Govornor John W. Dawson came to get in Wood Reynolds knocked Him down. He ran into the house. Reynolds followed him in & there beat him almost to death and drove off & left him in his gore. He done this because of his insult to Mrs. William also insulting the women at Ephraim Hanks.

January 6, 1862 - All the mountains & vallies are covered with snow. The snow has fallen about 1 foot deep in this City. There is a good deal said about the Govornor getting badly whiped at Ephraim Hanks in the mountain by a set of Rowdies.

(Wilford Woodruff Journal, Vol. 6, Pg. 4-5.)

March 29, 1889 - I spent the day at the farm Ploughing and planting our small fruit. We also cleaned out our spring. I had several callers amoung the number Ephraim Hanks.

(Wilford Woodruff Journal, Vol. 9, Pg. 15.)

Tuesday, March 23rd, 1847 - At home and around town all day. Was unwell & hardly able to go about. Went on guard and was out til 11 o'c.

President Young called his family together this evening to take into consideration the best way proceed in business & emegration. (A foot note to this entry states: John D. Lee, at this time was Brigham Young's private secretary, kept detailed minutes of this meeting. He named first the members of the "family" who were present, listing them in the order of their "adoption."

Alphabetically arranged, they were:

Angel, Solomon Angel, T. O.
Atwood, Miillen Brown, Benj.
Busbee, Jas. Carns, Daniel M.
Chace, Isaac Cook, Phineas
Davis, David Dayton, Hyrum
Decker, Chas. Dun, S. A.
Dusette, E. P. Earl, Syslvester H.
Ellsworth, Edmond Empy, Wm.
Everett, Addison Free, A. P.
Grant, G. D. Grant, George D.
Grover, Thos. Gully, Samuel
Hanks, Sidney A. Hutchinson, Jacob F.
Kesler, Frederick Lee, J. D.
Lyttle, John Major, Wm.
Morly, Isaac Pierce, Robert
Rockwood, A. P. Sanders, Moses M.
Scofield, Jos S. Shumway, Chas.
Sprague, Samuel L. Weeks, Wm.
Wilder, Jacob Wooley, Edward [Edwin?] D

(On the Mormon Frontier, Diary of Hosea Stout, Vol. 1, Pg. 242.)

Saturday, 22 March 1851 - We learn that Hanks is on the Bear River with the mail of Janurary. He has been to Larimie since Christmas.

Monday, 24 March 1851 - Hanks came today with the mail from Larimie. This is the January mail from the States & it brings Papers from St Louis to Jan the 10th.

(On the Mormon Frontier, Diary of Hosea Stout, Vol 2., Pg. 396.)

Thursday, 15 June 1854 - Mr. Elisha Ryan with some seven Shoshonee Indians arrived here. . . .( a foot note to this entry reads as follows " Elisha Ryan had been arrested the year before. A letter dated Fort Bridger, August 28, 1853, addressed to Brigham Young and signed by James Ferguson reads: "I send in charge Lieut. Ephr. Hanks, Lt. Walker, Wm A. Hickman, & Rufus Stoddard the prisoner Elisha Ryan charged with resistance to the Territorial Marshal in the service of the process from the U.S. Dist. Court."

(On the Mormon Frontier, Diary of Hosea Stout, Vol. 2, Pg. 520.)

Wednesday, 19 November 1856 - Still snowing this morning all hand stirring for a start with the addition of the teams which arrived last evening the entire company could be put in wagons as comfortably as the nature of the case would permit and travel at the rate of 25 miles a day. Some teams were sent back to the assistance of the ox train some Eight miles below. G. D. Grant & W. H. Kimball tarried here to see and arrainge matters with the ox train while all the rest proceeded facing the drifting falling snow and encamped on a dry ravine some 20 miles having no water for men or animals to night. Some time after night William & Geo. arrived leaving the ox train at Pacific Springs.

This evening I went with Ephraim Hanks to visit and administer to the sick and had an opportunity of seeing the suffering and privations through which they had passed. Some were merry and cheerful some dull and stupid some sich some frosted & some lazy and mean but all seemed to be elated more or less with the idea of speedily arriving in the valley. ( A foot note to this entry states: " Stout now had an opportunity of seeing the results of what he had earlier called a "new and improved method of emigration." Strangely, Ephraim Hanks makes no mention of Stout in his story of the handcart disaster. He says that he set out alone as the result of a prompting of the "Spirit" and was able to carry fresh buffalo meat to the rear companies. Hanks does name George D. Grant and William H. Kimball as helping with his administrations to the sick. Since the book was written in his later life, the omission is understandable. See Sidney Alvarus and Ephraim K. Hanks, Scouting for the Mormons on the Great Frontier, Salt Lake City, 1948.)

Monday, 19 January 1857 - Mr. Gerrish arrived to day from the States. He left the Eastern 13 of Nov. They Stopped at Platte Bridge to rig for packing. Marshall J. L.Haywood was with the mail. Mr. Gerrish met Feramorz Little & Eph Hanks at Independence Rock on their way East with the mail.

(On the Mormon Frontier,Diary of Hosea Stout, Vol. 2, Pg. 620.)

Monday, 8 March 1858 - Col Kane accompanied by Egan, Rockwell, Hanks and several others of the "Be'hoys" left for the United States troop camp to go by the up Weber Route. What the results of his mission will be I do not know of course. (A foot note for this date is as follows: The listing of Egan, Rockwell, Hanks, and others as "Be'hoys" sent to guard colonel Kane suggests that the term was applied to a definite group of men. As early as 1853 Ferguson had referred to the "b'hoys" at the end of a letter; Webester's Dictionary lists it as meaning a "gang member, a rowdy." Hickman referred often to a group of "Brigham's Boys." Tullidge listed all the officers of the Nauvoo Legion detailed for the Utah War with "O. P. Rockwell, Eph. Hanks, and others" as special scouts. Tullidge, History of Salt Lake City, 169.)

(On the Mormon Frontier, Diary of Hosea Stout, Vol. 2, Pg. 653.)